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Shards The Deckbuilder Activation Code [hack]

About This Game Shards the Deckbuilder is a new breed of digital card game that uses the popular Cerberus game engine by Cryptozoic Entertainment. No packs or boosters to chase. Each expansion is a complete and unique experience right out of the box. Build your deck as you play by buying cards from a shared pool to create powerful synergies and conquer your opponents and powerful in-game bosses. Unlock Mythic Adventure mode which allows players to challenge the AI to defeat the treasure hoarding boss and win the Mythic frame version of your cards. Purchase Raids that offer players the opportunity to team up with friends or other players to take down epic monsters and earn incredible rewards. 1075eedd30 Title: Shards the DeckbuilderGenre: Strategy, Early AccessDeveloper:80ArcadePublisher:80ArcadeRelease Date: 22 Nov, 2018 Shards The Deckbuilder Activation Code [hack] shards the deckbuilder. shards deck builder reddit Update 24th Jan: Dear all: WarBlade will do the update in 18:00-20:00 24th Jan PST. Server will close login during the update time Update: Festures: Raise attack frequency of Dark-elf Guard, reduce HP and damage Redo the Climbing rules, some barriers can walk through directly without jump Minimum Team rebirth time reduce from 5s to 1s Teammate without Faction badge can do the teleport Faction badge on the ground will be displayed in minimap as well to all the players Add number under Faction badge in minimap bug: Fix the rage gain bug on Starter Island Fix some localization missing FIx plague bug which cause the battle can not finish Fix rebirth bug which cause the battle can not finish Fix the Black-screen due to Windows timezone setup BLADE balancing: New Equipment data (try out) If you want discuss any issue about this update, please join our Discord Channel WarBlade Dev Team. 少数黑屏及卡运行中问题的解决方案: 黑屏问题:请重新设置一下电脑的时区,步骤:所有设置→时间和语言→时区卡运行中:请找到War Blade游戏目录后删除UnityCrashHandler64文件. 《逆刃》1月18日steam首发价格公布ing!: 1月18日9元超值价首发,欢迎各位steam大佬前来捧场![] 再次发下官群:722604914. Oneirogen 逆刃 War Blade War Blade Is Now Free To Play: In order for most of players to have a better gaming experience and for WarBlade to be known by more players, we decided to let WarBlade free to play! The application of free-to-play has been made, which may take one week to be approved. To thank all of our loyal players who helped make awesome, game-changing decisions during our time in Early Access, we'll be rewarding everyone who already purchased the game with the “Blade Pack”, containing the following items:540 coins.Thanks for your support and understanding. We will be working harder on diversifying gameplay and optimizing user experience. Again, thanks for being with us all the time.. Update 29th Jan: Dear all: WarBlade will do the update in 18:00-20:00 29th Jan PST. Server will close login during the update time Update: Festures: New BLADE: Brade(Two-hand Sword) Ironhead(Axe) New Craft in Arena: Stealth Potion Add Craft window outside the battle Add damage of Oblivion area, remove Plague (Try out) Switch to single-matching mode. the Duo-matching mode will re-open later Add Battle Assistant for new player, can be close in option window - Auto dodge when player in continues hit stun. The action bar regain adjust back to normal speed when hit stun Recommended equipment add to 10 for each BLADE The condition of double loot switch from Stealth Kill to Block Counter Player can adjust direction when jump Shorten the stun time of jump a little bit bug: Fix the voice stream cache problem Wrong dodge direction when Triger locking target and use right click skill The mute button will also stop text chat Fix some localization missing BLADE balancing: New Equipment data, Version 2 (try out) Action connection of Xie Fei’s left click skill If you want discuss any issue about this update, please join our Discord Channel WarBlade Dev Team. 《逆刃》玩法讲解——视频版: 点我观看[]. 《逆刃》FAQ: 各位亲爱的玩家,大家好,我是【逆刃】的制作人一个小盾牌。以下是前两次封测期间玩家集中反应的问题,有些我们已经改好,有些将会在EA期间搞定,现在这里提前跟大家进行一个说明。大家可以酌情购买。操作:1 游戏中按N键可以呼出合成菜单,其中有装备明细及合成路线。2 游戏默认鼠标操作摄像机 按住alt可以操作界面3 用鼠标拖拽道具可以丢弃,一次最大丢弃个数为54 重要!!!因为游戏队友间沟通特别重要。所以EA阶段游戏默认自由麦,组队界面即可以通话。游戏上了一段时间后会换成默认关闭麦克风。5 有玩家反应有些英雄动作僵硬,挨打会硬直过长导致手感不好,也有玩家表示攻击前摇过短导致反应跟不上。我们将会根据EA测试的玩家数据进行具体调整优化:1 游戏优化问题,由于开发组主流设备还是的2代i3和GT730系列,不是哭穷,主要是上线前这半年开发任务比较重,忙着忙着就把这事儿忘了,所以对于1060ti以上的高端显卡支持不太好,部分144Hz刷新率的显示器在显卡仅有20%占用的情况下无法跑到满帧。开发组将会在近期高几个4k分辨率显示器及高端显卡以测试解决该问题。2 同上原因,极小部分最新显卡驱动的玩家(约千分之二)玩家会出现白屏,黑屏情况,正在联系unity专家帮忙解决。3 正式版本打包刚刚做完,360安全软件的白名单今天提交,审核需要一定时间,通过前,360可能不定时杀掉某些进程导致游戏程序卡死,崩溃,报错。Bug:1 小怪-黑暗精灵兵。追击方式为瞬移,不是bug2 部分动物会移动到斜坡山边,细小栅栏,有卡住的情况。后期会修复。3 场景内有些不可达区域会有空气墙阻挡。将会持续优化此类不合理体验。4 骑乘巨魔和天使,在某些特定地方下来可能会导致穿地图,后期会修改平衡性:1 有玩家表示近战英雄过多,英雄同质化严重,缺少多样性。同时也有玩家表示,远程职业,秒杀依赖性职业,大招依赖性职业,高连击职业,高回复职业,高防御职业太强,平衡性不够好。我们将根据EA测试的玩家数据持续调整2 现阶段开放的竞技场只升阶,不降阶。这个和一般的天梯不太一样,且缺少提示,特此说明。3 游戏初期在匹配人数不足的情况下,会有限保证开局,可能会有跨阶匹配的情况。4 现在英雄的培养最大等级为7级。数值增长空间为50%左右。5 龙晶的获取:每日任务 登录奖励 竞技场箱子会有少量获取。日后不会开放龙晶的直接充值获取渠道。可能考虑增加战场内掉落获取带到战外的方式。6 dlc英雄,已经购买DLC的玩家在组队大厅可以选择该英雄作为默认英雄出场。所有玩家可以在游戏内通过英灵召唤点获得全部英雄的战场内使用资格。所以DLC不敢卖贵了。队伍:1 队友间可以进行资源交换,可以无限秒拉复活,有玩家表示秒拉复活过于变态。同时也有玩家反应找队友尸体或拉队友复活由于会被对方干扰而很难实现。这个问题也会在EA期间根据数据进行调整。2 有一个沟通良好的队友对游戏胜利非常重要!建议找一个熟人组队,一个就行。3 由于阵营机制,胜利倒计时期间仍可以扔掉阵营牌子变成敌对方进行攻击,因此,胜利倒计时突然被打断不是bug新手:1 游戏没有线性强制引导,非强制功能提示在主战场压力状态下容易被玩家忽视,建议先去训练关,单人熟悉一下系统和玩法。2 训练场为自由不限时模式,可以使用esc退出。有从业者跟我们反应我们的第一关(即训练场)过不去。后续版本会考虑增加提示引导。3 小怪对于初期玩家伤害和血量比较高,建议利用背刺或者弹刀对其一击必杀。其他:1 游戏整体色调,过于斑斓刺激导致视觉或有不适,也有玩家表示游戏色调过于灰暗朦胧。已经调过一版,我们会根据EA玩家的测试反馈进行持续调整。2 装备和道具系统后期会继续丰富,EA阶段装备套路略显单薄。不过也有玩家表示该系统过于复杂。我们会根据EA玩家的测试反馈进行持续调整。欢迎玩家提出你们的设计3 音效由团队老板——某非专业人员个人完成,部分音效在一测时被吐槽辣耳朵,正在进行修改,没有改完。欢迎玩家提出指正。4 游戏现版本中没有剧情,如果需要对世界观有进一步了解,开发可以进一步提供文档。5 英文版本的本地化由非专业人士进行和校对,能用,但是可能会有语法错误和用词不当,部分非常见ui及提示会有漏汉化的情况。欢迎英文版用户指正。. Update 22nd Jan: Dear all: WarBlade will do the update in 18:00-20:00 22nd Jan PST. Server will close login during the update time Update: Festures: Optimize target locking -Get target: Press Tab will get the first target -Tab will switch target in camera view bug: Fix the defaulting Chinese Input when enter the battle scene Fix the defaulting Chinese Input in Key Binding Fix the data refresh bug when upgrade the DLC BLADE BLADE balancing: Reduce attack speed of Merleenn’s Magic Orb lightly raise charging damage of Grinia’s Snipe raise damage of Ultimate skill of Chiron raise damage of Mogaine’s Crystal Force If you want discuss any issue about this update, please join our Discord Channel WarBlade Dev Team

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